Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Through the hard times and the good

We almost hit the second thousand. Kinda timely with the whole New Year/New Decade chiming in at around the same time. Seriously. We that good with our timing.

Just gonna give a shoutout to Jyamaigo for being there with and without the blog. Your ugly mug has kept me company and been there for me quite a bit and Sleepless thanks ya. Oh...did I say ugly mug? I mean't sexy CANNONS =P. But seriously, you still a spedhead.

To the readers, thaunka you for teh supportz aye. Keep reading and we'll keep posting.

To the newcomers, you better get posting soon before me and Mr.J get more of them in for all y'all aye.

This is TSD signing out...for today =]

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