Monday, December 6, 2010

Don't know what to say.


My very normal [and VERY BORING] morning of staring at my new downloaded anime and TV series and deciding which one to watch was suddenly transformed. Sudden decision which kinda got me a lil excited, i even got BUTTERFLIES, believe me hahaha. Me n my grrl wanted to watch a movie. So we was all like... Let's do it. hahaha

First time taking the bus since, ... forever? but was alrite, coz wasn't so cramped up. I was also reminded how some bus windows tend to like embarassing even the strongest of people. But my window was cool. Lucky me.

Hit Central station and my 50 dollar bill didn't really help me out. Just kept getting rejected everytime, and to that guy who sells the hot food "sorry we have trouble with changes for a 50" after being handed 20s and 10s the past 5 customers, I'd like to hear ur BS again. Next time karma sees ya, it'll make sure ur face will look a lil better. i missed a train coz of u, and some things can't be undone. I'm aights, i'll calm it down a bit! My bad ya'll.

Train wasn't late arriving at my destination tho. Lucky me again. Twas cool, with the walk down from station to the movies, was really quiet in the movies tho, all the better? hahahahaha We watched The Social Network, that facebook one with JT in it. Not a bad movie, i liked it

Movie ended, walked out for some food, but then something a lil pleasant and unexpected happened which then led to location change, train station. Where something that resembled a fat pig stopped us in our tracks. Being handed a problem that fixable, but had a terrible effect on our day [sorry babe~]

Train ride home was aights, nearly dozed off, this is the only thing i hate bout contacts, u caint sleep with em in. SiGH, so ended up making em all dry in my eyes, squinting my way to catch the bus home from the station. Train got a bit stuffy so i got off before i reached home and walked a slow 25-30 minutes, the breeze came on so it was aiite. There wasn't many people on the streets either. Strange. but twas cool.

Then. Got home. Shower. Nachos for Dinner. Stomachache. In front of computer. 2 Litres of water down today, i wonder if i should have the last litre between now and when i sleep. Should I? i dunnoooooo sighhh.

Enywey, i see things balance out. Bad days feel bad some days coz bad things are more 'in-yo-face' when they on ur mind. So they seem to drown out the good. But lookin at today, two unlucky incidents, balanced out with two lucky incidents, but then i had the day out with my grrl. Soooo i think today falls in the category of a nice day? hahahaha

[Wow. I Type a lot.]

My mayne TSD, WHERE U AT, i ain't seen u in long time. Tell me when we re-matching!

And as per message received from my man Shadowlord. It IS nice being a cityboi hahahahaha xD, that was pre-tty quick recognition! [oh that was in regards to the last post i made] FREEZE FRAME HI 5!

Aights, hope ya'll having urselves a good time, more ups than downs hopefully. OK
Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

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