Thursday, December 2, 2010


Told y'all to call me Phreezy but you ain't listen

So yeh finally got out into the city again. Damn it felt good. Hit the city with my maino Jyamaigo and a couple of the other brothers (ShadowLordz made another appearance as well as Gibbon, MT and Ce-man). To my other brother, JRambo, I ain't forgot ya and I wanna go cruising soon. Hit me up when you can.

First stop, Foot Locker with Mr.J, cos someone needed a gym sack. Finally got one from an Adidas store we found in the new Westfield (after that we found like 4 Foot Lockers that were on our path anyway...infuriating). And I quote Mr. J "I go to the gym at UNSW cos it's only $400 a year". ONLY 400! And you ain't even got a job. Wth you pay with? RichBoiii.

Next we went to Timezone/EventCinema on George. Tekken 6 is so different. Button mashing is actually ineffective. Why? Disable all white people from playing properly. SiGH. But then Due Date was man. That was some other ish. But dayum it was good ish. I liked it =]

And OMG i wanted that Agnes doll from the Claw machine. Perfectly positioned near the hole already as well. But no. Don't accept my shiny new 2010 $2 coin you stupid piece of machinery. I so wanted that Agnes. And also a yellow minion to go with it. I loved Despicable Me in case you ain't figured it yet.


Got my pool back on at some new billiards place. That was madphun. Can finally place shots again. Even schooled Ce-Man with the round the back shot he was trying to do. Won the game with it. 8-Ball FTW! And the final baytle: TSD vs. Mr. J.

TSD flew off to a great start pocketing about 4 balls in 5 swings. Jyamaigo got off poorly but he made a comeback. Dreamer got nothing in for about 7 swings because of Mr.J's shitty tactical(my ass) placement of the cue ball. Jyamaigo get's it back to a 2 ball each game. Then it's a 1 ball Jyamaigo vs. only the 8-Ball left TSD.


So what's that 4-1 Mista Jay?

That's me done.

Dreaming of YOU,

The Sleepless Dreamer

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