Sunday, December 5, 2010

With a lil help, i've found my favourite drink!

Yesterday, I discovered a few things :D

Yesterday was a special day for me and my special someone, hence the happy two months from my mayne TSD. Thanks!

Started off with a pretty lol 2 hours of me n my...well, singing if you can call wat i do, singing... hahaha [grrl, you gotta help me out xD~!!]. Then the discovery of this place:

if ya'll don't recognize where that is, it's a place at world square called....Mother's Crepes. They make some pretty tasty crepes, it was so good we forgot to even take a pic! hahaha. Then at Gloria Jeans I got a lil surprise, courtesy of my grrl, the...Cinnamon Cappucino.
Looks like normal drink right?

me: "Tastes a lil like cinnamon..."
... after a few more sips and conversation ...
her: "OMG, if you didn't say anything, i would've just thought the coffee here was BAD."
Those deceiving little shakers that contained choc/cinnamon powder, makes me chuckle every time i think of it, and then of course the cinnamon was a bit too tasty so we ah, had to extract it, AFTER i had told her to mix it too, smart? LEWL, check it out.
haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, can't wait for the next surprise drank~! hahahaha

Enywey, with our stomach's feelin all strange, we went on to, well, mostly me - being the fat boi i am - to eat! Then i became full. G_G. I swear Japanese sets were never this filling.

Finally. With her. Takin' the train. My favourite.

The day was nice, and I have only her to thank, twas special~!

Grrl, happy 2 months and a dayy!

Aights, well ya'll,
Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

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