Saturday, December 25, 2010

Oh dayum, MAJOR changessssss

First up, HOLY WOW NEW DESIGN! Oh yeah Jyamaigo we good. Hope you had a Merry Christmas my brother and will definitely catch up with you agayne in the New Year if not before. The new design offers new features. There's profiles to view above the banner. Just click the name and voila, you're there. I'll make sure I get Jyamaigo and the Mystery Mayne to update theirs. Lillian's is pretty much up to date and complete a far as I can tell. Don't forget to check out Lillian's own blogs from her profile.

As the blog grows, new sections will be added. You will notice the mixtape section (I hope) and also the gallery. There will hopefully be many more sub sections to come.

And what about the featured posts in the middle. Dayum we good.

Also there will be many smaller updates as we go along (I think) so don't be alarmed. You probs won't even notice them =P

Please welcome Lillian, a new guest poster. She'll be in from time to time to post whatever's on her mind. She's also got her own blogs going so make sure to check em out. She's a star.

Mystery Mayne. Seriously, who is he? I have no idea. Well, he's not just one person. He's everyone. He's many distinct personalities but he's one persona. Intriguing? Stay tuned for his first post. He[?] will be making one soon methinks.

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