Wednesday, December 29, 2010



to finish auwf last tiiiimes buiissnesss.

actually, i got no idea what to say now that i'm back.

B a b e . . . ;)

Take it eas...wait,
nup that's boring...oh yeah, thats right. Damn computer store didn't have no CPU, no Mobo, No Graphics Card for me, they had all the 'other' parts tho. Geez. imma email em back and hope they be havin' AUWLL the parts ready for me. I'm so bored. No computer mayne. That's just not even funny, i'mm going around the family asking to borrow someones computer. Since consoles ain't ma thang either, its even worse.

Aights, enough o' that, imma be patient, coz i want this thang to be good. For now. IPHONE, bring yo interwebs hahaha, you got a bored Jyamaigo to save. And those people i'll text randomly, immmm boreddddddddddd hahahaha

Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

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