Friday, December 24, 2010

Long time, no post says Jyamaigo

Well I weren't going to post today since I've got a lot of redesigning on my mind but mr.J told me to take a break and do a post so here I am. Watching the A Team TV series and its quite lol especially B.A's (Mr. T) excessive amounts of jewellery. Oh and if y'all want another sneak peak of the blog design head to We making progress.

Hope y'all are getting into the Xmas cheer and spirit. Me and Jyamaigo got the new tape down. Not bad with the design Mr.J, you did alright. That'll be dropping soon. Probs tonight or tomorrow so stay tuned.

On another plus note, I'm finished work for this year. Got a fairly decent pay out so I'm thinking Boxing Day sales to blow it all. Who's in?

Aiite that's me for now, till next post

TSD out

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