Thursday, December 16, 2010

Everything Looks So Much Smaller From Up Here

Dream, Genie or Wish? Friend or Foe?
I ain't got one today...I had them ALL!

The ATARs came out today. Quite an...interesting experience. Great day. Started off with UAC lying to me by saying results were out at 9am. I got mine at 8:40am. They bad liars. But then the Dream. It came true. Our awesome grade ripped it up. When I say ripped, I mean absolutely shredded. Straight up defied expectations and rose through the ranks bring back the Fort's former glory. My own expectations were shattered when my score broke my expectations. Course mark achieved. Hellsssssss yeh. Literally jumped up and touched the roof. And my roof is a good 2.5m up.

Genie? Mmm yeh I've had a Jeanie on my mind for the past couple of days. Kinda missing that jeanie. Wish I had her lamp so I could call her whenever I wanted. But maybe I'll visit sometime. Let's put a target on the July break and see what I can do lil miss.

Wishing ever closer to reality. Fun fun! It's amazing what a simple number can do for your confidence.

Saw a lot of friends today. And we tanked it. Thanks to you guys we are now a dominant force once again. Congrats on all your scores and achievements. ShadowLordz you a friggin tank aye.

Pfft the foe? Slayed that demon. Hard. HS-what?

Ayo my mayne Mr.Jyamaigo congrats and the mile breaking. You tha mayne. And Shifty aye. I did good...but ah.... you did better =P Congrats man.

Life is my Nintendo game,

The Sleepless Dreamer

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