Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas Y'all

From the team: Merry Christmas. Jyamaigo will be over to post his wishes soon. He likes to get out aye.

We hope y'all had a good one and enjoyed the Christmas spirit. Remember that it's not all bout the presents. Just sayin'

Now here's a little slice of my Xmas:

New JAG set. I really needed a new wallet. And I got one =]

mmmm...Just a small bit of my new undies. I liiiiiiiiiiiiikey


Dolce boy back again. I always new I was the one. Thanks mummy. Love it.

Also included were new clothes(which I desperately needed LOL). Industrie and Henleys XD

Don't worry. Believe it or not, Mr. Jyamaigo will find a way to upstage me =P


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