Wednesday, December 8, 2010

In Exchange For The Sane Man's Sanity

Woot. Work is over for another few days. 20 hours this week. Not bad. Just a little on the boredom side. But I did finish Part III of Agnes which I might upload later but I think imma give it to unicorn baby if I see her before she leaves. Don't count me out just yet.

Work was kinda bludgey this week even though it's getting busier. I guess I'm used to all the numbers now. Accounting. SiGH. Slowly slipping into insanity. Slowly? Nah, I've been insane my whole life. Why try and fit in when you're a standout?

In other news from the week, ShadowLord has upped the ante in the battle for Fruit Ninja supremacy. I'm gaining slowly but I'm still 120 points behind. Time for a little escalation. BomberBoi be back.

Mr. J, Hells yeh I'll see ya soon if me and BigBoi organise in time. Should be alright. Easy =]

Oh and hit me up next time you in G'ville. Anytime after 1. After 3 and there's no time limit. Esp Wednesday.

Wishing for one last sight of you tomorrow,

The Sleepless Dreamer a.k.a. Mr. Sleepless

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