Thursday, December 16, 2010

Hello, Good Evening ~


IM RELIEVED OMG. [TY TSD, we cool. xP]

I could actually let out a sigh of relief today, fiddling around with the internet on my newly acquired iPhone, that dayum ATAR just jumped in my face whilst i was having breakfast with the family out in the city. so lucky that it was a satisfying mark. Otherwise. BREAKFAST wouldve been OVER. haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Jackass 3D was lol. disgusting. and more lol. good movie. i liked it.

OH, remind me to get FRUIT NINJA, OH YEAH. and tripview. hahahaha, and those apps runnin in the background. i had NO. FKN. IDEA. srsly. Now i know to close them~!

Exercise was today's only negative. The middle finger of my right hand shoots sharp pains up my whole forearm whenever i try to apply pressure or use it to pick something up. sigh. Hopefully its one of those things which'll go away after i recover, otherwise. Its gon feel useless. Typin this right now is straining it.

ANYWAY, I GOT FREE KRISPYKREMES YEAHHHHHHHH, sorry didn't let u guys know earlier, ATAR n HSC results had my mind in a nervous...disaster? maybe not that bad but still, i forgot to post up that KrispyKremes were giving 6 free doughnuts per customer. Nice? I thought so. So i had 4 before i realised that maybe they were abit unhealthy, even in small amounts. [But they was nice. We eat nice things aiite? hahahaha]

BUILDING COMPUTERR TO BUYYYY OH YEAHHHHHHHH, Geez. hopefully dat laptop make its way back to me within the next 2 days so i can take out my IMPORTANT files n stuff, photos, series n stuff like that.

To my tiredd out babee, hope you're alrite, i onli wish i could be there with you right now. But since its latee, hope to see you tomolo to make sure u have a nice n relaxing day aiite~?

To ya'll who did well congratulations. OH YEAHHHHHH. Parteh? xP

ENYWEY, be sure ya'll still...
Take it easy, [AIGHT?]
Mr. Jyamaigo

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