Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Was told by Mr. J and TSD I had to post sometime soon, so I managed to convince them to walk me my first post. We decided to post a recap of all the memorable things that happened in 2010. Coincidentally, there were 10 things that came to mind

10. HSC

Yeah ok, this shouldn't really need explaining, but I'm sure this would've stuck out this year, specially our improvement in rankings from 28-->13. Glad it's all over, but it seems easy in retrospect now that it's done and dusted. Anybody else feel the same way?

9. Yeah 3X

Ok. To be honest, i have no idea what this means, I'm not savvy to these things.

8. Mr J got a gf

Surprised? I think not.

7. Driving

Speaking of driving licenses, I heard the other day people from James Ruse only get their 'L's so they have proof of ID for their UMAT. Hope this isn't true, but for the rest of us, we get our licenses to drive.

6. NBA

Again, not familiar with round ball :(.

5. NRL

Now, this odd shaped ball I am familiar with! Better luck next year Storms ;) Gotta hate St. George.

4. Inception

Can't argue with Inception as a major event in 2010! Who doesn't enjoy a total mindfuck once in a while?

3. Alcohol

Officially, this was the year when all the writers at F&B had tried alki. Not all of the us liked it, but hey worth a try right?

2. Jobs

Don't know about Mr J. here, but i can safely say the rest of us aren't bumming around doing nothing :P. But seriously, work sucks.

1. The birth of F&B

And the best thing that happened in 2010 was of course Fyre and Brimstoan, without which YOU wouldn't be reading THIS entry and eagerly awaiting the next.

Yes, you're welcome.


But I'm not finished yet. I couldn't just leave 2010 without making a few predictions for 2011. Actually, 11 to be exact.

11. All of us to make uni.
10. Dr. Dre to dominate the charts
9. Mr J. still to love Ne-Yo
8. the rest of us to gfs (we're not as lucky as Mr. J.)
7. All of us to have our 'P's and one of us to have a car.
6. The start of our b'ball team, Lakers to go 3 in a row.
5. Maybe NSW for Origin? Maybe Australia for Ashes?
4. Avatar 2?
3. All of us to legit drink in a club somewhere
2. Mr. J to be employed + others to get wage increases :P
1. 10k Views for this blogspot

We're out of predictions and highlights. Post something if you think we've missed something.


1 comment:

  1. 12. To reach the end of 2011 and say "Ha, Æon Flux was WRONG" (Y)
