Thursday, January 20, 2011


Well, not yet. But still. I can't even believe i'm leavin' ya'll today.

Yeah. TODAY. Imma hit the airport at 7pm, flight takes auwf at 10pm.

That means...3 hours of nothin' right? FARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR out.

Yesterday was nice tho.
Gloria Jeans Sig. Ice Coffee with a best Bro (HY). Thanks fo fixin' up that stuff for my iPhone. Hope you auwll good with the job, keep on ownin' them kids hahaha. My mayne TSD, its aiights that you couldn't make it, what can i say, money rolls in when you work, and clearly, no money rolls in when ya'll out with Mr. J. Not yet anyway. hahahaha [I can almost hear someone say: Geez, what's that supposed to meann?~]

COLD ROCK LARGE TAKE HOME PACK, yeah? KILLED IT! hahahaha twas nice tho, funn, but i bet i can make it moar fun next time babe ;) and i didn't finish it coz i realli did wanna just stay, and with the added fact that it was ice cream soup hahahahaha, looks like the universe didn't want me to finish it either!~ yeah, real nice and sweet day [TM: 1 2 3 4 5 6] (thanks to the shirt hahaha). Now it only has me thinking bout her all the time, 我会好想你~

OFFERS OUT. HOPE YA'LL HAPPY!! all goodgood? hahahaha, i got into my course, smoothsailing it wass~ that ain't meant to sound like im braggin', mines an easy course to get into.

ROARRRR, mayne. Still can't believe it. But YES, imma try post up, get some emails sent whilst im over there. Yeah dat right, we international fo' sho. I'm international baby, I'm international baby~ (8) - USHERRRRRRRRRR, YEEEAAAHHHH MAYNEEE!

Singin' and Dancin'. But not feelin' it.

Until 11th Feb, its gon be Taiwanese Mr. Jyamaigo.
Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

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