Thursday, January 6, 2011


Woo, yeah! Ain't been on this page for a lil while now. That's certainly MY BAD.
But that aside...

Hope ya'll had yo~selves a naice New Year, had yo fun, made up yo minds on what ya'll gon do to smash this 2011 hahahahahaha

Enywey. Days have been hot n cold ~ feels like sunshine, feels like rain ~ that sorta thang. Tho the sun's been.... damn beach weather 'sun'. TSD, we should realli get to that beach with some peepz b4 the sun let the rain take over. Tho it don't look like that'll happen fo a while aye...

WHAT HAPPENED TO INFO DAY...TSD...Mayne, i was there waitin' fo that rematch hahahahaha, but not to worry, we gon arrange another day. Mr. J'll be waitin. hahahahaha

The third 4th has passed and it's like, Happy Days~ spent a nice day, and a nice day after that [except for some stuff called Soju. mayne, you guys ever tasted that stuff? it was like...mayne i dont even know how to explain it, but it didn't taste so nice hahaha, tho it looks like it does its job pretty good hahaha] niceee dayyyyyyy hahahaha... thanks babee ;) and happy 3! hahahahaha woooo yeah!~

What's planned? welll, i dunno. like actually. im lost. but im lazy...being me...and i kinda, dont pay much attention to a lotta thangs so...hmmm... work in 2011? definitely fo me, shoutout to ma mayne who gave me a lil tip, imma shout cha somethang if it works out quick yeah? hahahaha, imma get myself busy with one o' them thangs called jobs, hopefully i'll sound less lazy hahahaha

What else is there, hmmm...auwn a movie hunt, lookin' fo stuff that's naice and hopefully have a collection that i can watch anytime, hopefully not by myself tho, movies alone is like, i dunno, i just don't feel it hahahahaha just aint cool fo me, i dunno hahaha ANY GOOD MOVIES?! lemmie know so i can have a look n see...if i like what i see! hahahaha [and that movie marathon....mayne, lets get that goin! yeah that's right, im talking to you mayne. you been having good luck too, soo? does it look like a change of date for that thang? lemmie know aight?] hahahaha

well, this counts as an early post right? wait....its 11:52, well.....for me? hahahahahahaha, im out...its like....

i dont even know what to say, im feelin' goood, but my eyes are like....mayne...we is exhausted. i dunno if that's good or bad, but. I ain't sleepin' yet... hahahaha

Well, i'll be sure to post moar often for ya'll, Mystery mayne, naice first post, im looking forward to moar mayne, good work!~

While i'm kickin' back and relaxing, hope ya'll taking it easy...So...
Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo [hey, how would Mr. [m.m.] sound? ya'll have to make the sound, like mmmmm insteada saying 'em.em.', so? hows it? hahahahaha. 'Gee~' as someone would say in this situation :P]

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