Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Fyre blazin' I be burning mayne!

Hellyo! Seeing as all of us are posting this week, I thought I'd throw my two cents in (pretty stingy seeing as I'm getting them DOLLARS). Shit, I'm awwn my foolish flow agayne. Thanks to MysMayne, T-Pain AND LIL WAYNE!

Remember how mesa say me getting the tech? Well it's starting to roll in...quickly. Me iphone came in....but I wasnt home so it's sitting at a post office waiting for me to claim it 'fore friday or it gets returnt to sender. Shit. Better get awn that quick smart and in a hurry. Also got me a new laptop. For me. Finally. i7. Awwwwww yeh. 64 bit funfun.

On the work front, I hear Lillian and Triple M (Mr.Mystery.Mayne.) have jobs just like I do. Man 8 hour plus grinds are killers aren't they Lillian? What bout you TripleM? Longest grind? Jyamai- Oh wait. Sorry my unemployed bruvah. Maybe sometime soon aye =P. But it's cool. why work when you already paid? Hell I've done 18 hours in two days with at least one more day of work this week. I mean, that's the most I've ever done on a two day grind before. Tomorrow may also be a ten hour shift. I guess we'll see.

Hell yeh to the sky, to the city, to anywhere maynes, womayne. Shie we defs need to slay the beast formerly known as boredom. We. Gone. Kill. That. BN. Mr.J you know what I'm talking bout.

Fyre blazin' I be burning mayne!
I be speedin', get out my turnin layne!

Too hyped to sleep,

TSD gone esssshhhhh

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