Sunday, January 16, 2011

Money In My Pocket, Jeans To The Floor, Shoelace Sloppy

Ahhh, sleeping in not my bed feels weird. Especially when that bed is twice the size of my regular bed. I didn't know what side to sleep on...Left? Right? Some might say "Just pick the middle, geez!" But, au contrare, I tried that. It didn't work either. So I made the best of...tri-worlds? I slept diagonally. Aw yeah, left, right AND middle!

Anyways, back to work tomorrow. That sucks. BUT LOOK WHAT I MANAGED TO FIND!

Spot Kobe Bryant. Hint: He's not one of the white boys

Yeh managed to find that on the Lakers dug up files. He looks the same, just with less hair now.

Anyways, probably be sleeping over again. Gonna work out how to sleep properly this time. And not get woken by the roosters again. At 0530. SiGH.

Mr.J I'll see what I can do for Friday. ACTUALLY, keep Wednesday open. I usually take the day off when I get stuff back e.g. HSC marks. Wednesday is offers day right? I should be able to manage to get out of work then. And TripleM, I'll see if I can get there tomorrow after work. If 5Quid ever replies. Hang in there Lillian. Plenty of 808s and Heartbreaks for everyone soon enough. You are not alone.

Playing for the team,

The Sleepless Dreamer

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