Monday, January 10, 2011

A toast to a new post!

I am happy to announce that I will be contributing to this blog! I cannot wait to see what I write about! (Just as a note beforehand, I often write with a severe amount of exclamation marks. If it makes me sound like an over charismatic high school girl then so be it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
I hope that it will give me the freedom to write whatever spontaneously comes to my head.
My other blog is a more serious one and filled with poetry.

To be realistic though, as all bloggers it’s mostly to kill the insanity (or rather lack thereof) that boredom brings. I hope to kill the vicious cycle of being bored of the idea of being bored because I'm too bored to do something else because that would be boring. Yes, it is rather cyclical indeed.

I'm still new to navigating this site and I keep clicking my name in hope that something new will happen even though I've witnessed the same thing 3 times previously. You never know unless you try right? I cannot believe I'm still surprised that it doesn't change.

It kind of reminded me of the time that I said I was going to be back soon to do some rolling (literally rolling around in my bed) while I was in a middle of a conversation with The Sleepless and I got so involved with rolling that I fell asleep. Sorry about that.

Strangely this year's summer is not as blistering hot as I once grew up with. I remember the good ol' Australian summer when I spent the nights barely sleeping, being tired and ruthlessly angry at the heat during the day. I also remember refusing to sleep with a thin layer and waking up with a running nose in the middle of summer. Ahh nostalgia. Although it’s not as hot (temperature wise) it is rather HUMID! Now to proclaim my love for air conditioning!!! Even though I don't have an air conditioning system at home, I get to enjoy it every time I'm in the car, even if it’s for about 20 minutes. Air conditioning, I would love you more only if you weren't such a bitch and destroying the environment. No love for you tonight!

Stay in touch guys and someday soon I'll write about a strange encounter with a flirtatious five and a half year old. Who hasn't been there before? And out!

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