Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Mista J, I AM your Mirror Mayne

So MrJ got asked to charity it up yesterday or some such.

Well today, yours truly, Mr.Sleepless, was walking down to the mailbox of his workplace to make a drop off when he got cornered by a man and womayne from the Make A Wish foundation. Now don't get my tone wrong, I'm all down with charity. In fact, I stayed to listen to what she had to say for about five minutes (not to mention, she was some pretty good eyecandy so that may have influenced me). But by the end of the discussion I had only one question: Do I have to be over 18?

In fact, I had to be over 21! Imagine mistaking me for a 21 year old. That's just wrong. Haha!

Anyways Make A Wish helps give terminally ill kids (terminally ill means no cure and impending death) there last wish. For example, one kid wanted to be a policeman, so they got him a uniform, had him inducted etc. The whole shebang. If you're over 21 check it out.

This is TSD signing out, go sleep,

The Sleepless Dreamer

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