Sunday, January 23, 2011

Yeh we international now...

So J, you made it into that country of yours? Nice to see you have net access. Ish needs to get done niggz. Make sure you have a good time there. I expect your triceps to triple in size fro all that food you eating. Triple it with fat boy! And now you know. You CAN do that =P

Not much to report. Gotta prep the house for my bros 21st so pretty much have nothing to report other than my few brief moments outside the house. Got a bit of driving in. They call me a "heavy foot". Just cos I like speed. People hate on the NFS, that ain't cool. At least I brake when there's something in front of me. My natural instinct is to usually charge straight through it. Usually doesn't work with giant metal boxes. Funny how that works.

The three L's of Life

There's really only one thing left to do. And only one place to do it.

Big Dreams Ahead,

The Sleepless Dreamer


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