Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Sleepless Chronicles: The Lost Day (Bad Dreams) - Day 1

12:30 A.M. Go to sleep
  2:30 A.M. Wake up

Can't sleep. Must sleep. Refuse to sleep. Fade to blackness...I don't wanna...

7:40 A.M. wake up. Empty house. Ghost town. Everything gone. Mind racing. What's happening? Is she here? When does she go? I have uni at what time? Am I gonna be late? I can't do this. Yes you can! But I don't want to...

Wait! Movement...A kiss on the cheek. Mummy? Before she leaves? I amble out of bed. Hunger takes over. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach. To the kitchen. Breakfast. Hunnnnnnnngggrrrry. Eat food. Check phone. Did I miss it? No. Just your imagination. Keep moving. Don't think. Shower. Quick! In case your phone buzzes. HURRY!

Uni. Walking. TEXT! Smile tinged with something...MOVE. For once I make the lecture on time. Can't think. What's the use? What's happening? Slowly doze off. WAKE UP. VECTORS. MATHS. CRAP. CHEMISTRY. EWWWW. Sleep again...zzzzzzzzzz.

Long day. Distractions. Can't stop thinking...Is she safe? What lecture am I in? Instrumental conditioning? Electroshocking rats seems fun. Flicker of red. RED BEANIE. I've seen that before! Same beanie, different head. Keep moving. Hmmmm. Seminar. Awesome.

Any of that make sense to you? Pretty much how I felt all day. Uni was lacklustre to say the least. But there was some fun. Words With MY Friends. Oh and Chess too. Oopsie. I guess I was supposed to be listening to that lecture...Hmmm :P

One thing remained constant. I mean, I'm just saying. It's Day 1. My thoughts are already unorganised. The Lost Day. The day spent inside a metal tube 6000km above sea level (or some such number) with no interaction with the outside world. A day passes. Nothing is as it seems. That day is lost. And a little lost boy is lost too. Just a small, insignificant speck. Lost on the windshield of the windscreen of life. Needless repetition. It starts now. Why so lost for? WHY SPEAK IN RIDDLES?

Oh man, I need to get out more :P

But yeah man, this is (officially) the first Sleepless Chronicles entry. There should be approximately 15 more to come so stay tuned for a daily insight into the weird and (not so) wonderful mind of one extremely Sleepless Dreamer.

P.S. I miss you already

One a day won't keep you away, a certain specially made doctor tells me ;)

P.P.S. The death(?) of a King. Apparently confirmed. R.I.P. Zyzz. I didn't know you personally but you were an inspiration to a lot of people. May you chill in Olympus, son of Zeus.

Riddle me silly,

The Sleepless Dreamer

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