Monday, August 15, 2011


Good news, bad news. Good mood, bad mood.
Funny how quickly things can change.
Even funnier how differently things can be seen.
I guess it really IS 'just' a matter of 'perspective'. hahahaha
Well, so many things to look at, so many things to discuss. But this mayne has some good news.
But he ain't sure whether its completely good yet.
So, my apologies y'all. Be patient like y'all are for just a LIL longer? Itll be worth it. Promise.
Well, Devonshire Pancakes. mmmmm. mmmmm~ that stuffs pre-tty good hahahahaha
pancakes at the rocks, with the mother. GG. Good mother and son time.
Forearms about to break, dont know what from. I request Dr. House for my case.
Work work work. Uni just keeps comin'. But we, as the smart cookies we are will just keep dealing with it so it don't take us so lightly.
Well, speaking of work. Its back to work.

Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

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