Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Sleepless Chronicles: The End (That's It) - Day 16

T minus minus 9000. Touchdown. Overwhelming sense of joy. Happiness. Tiredness. It is 8 A.M. Lecture. Sleep. It's not maths. Something about DNA. Meh. Lecture finishes. To Wentworth! Play pool for almost two hours. Lose 4.5 games to 3.5. So close. Dayummmm. Then a maths test. Seemed easy. Pretty sure I did well. And then my favourite...chem lecture. But it's all good.

Cos today is the last Sleepless Chronicle (for now). What I've been missing for almost 2 and a half weeks has now returned and I am a much happier kid. Like a 6 year old on Christmas morning. And all the presents under the tree are mine! Back. With no idea just how much was missing from my life.

And a keyring. And posters. And a shirt. And training. Big score for TSD today. Especially with the touchdown. Remind me to thank the pilot. My baby back. <3

There's supposed to be a lot to write, but there really isn't. Time spent together is time spent together. I'm not going to elaborate on that just now because that's between me, myself and not I. Got a problem with I, had to fix those cataracts.

And now I rest and wait. And dream of the future. In the most abstract ways possible.

This is how I feel right now (albeit a little tired).

Flying high,

The Sleepless Dreamer

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