Monday, August 15, 2011

Sleepless Chronicles: Death of Me - Day 7

One week gone! One more to go. It's getting that much more doable by the day. Combine that with uni, TKD, driving and life as I know it and it's pretty much gonna fly by. That's not to say my thinking won't stop. I mean, I'm just saying.

I want my new pair of Dre's to come in. Beats By Dre Tours this time. Got some Solos already, but sometimes you just want that direct injection of bass right between the eyes. In the brain region. Destroy everything with the Krunk. So now I sit and I wait. Waiting on my cap too. Hopefully that comes too. I need to rock a fresh one to uni. Soon. I hope.

Maths. Revised like 4 lectures in 20 minutes...Is that normal? Why can't all my subjects be like that? I mean, seriously, it'd make life so much easier. I don't even remember what I did today. Same, straight four hours in a row. Not really boring, but not really exciting either. Don't you just hate those days? You sit there waiting for something to happen. Someone to walk in. Anything to just change the stagnant flow of the day. Felt like that kinda day.

But another psychology experiment! This one was on the "Gaming Personality". Just a routine survey. But I did get to say that I'm Middle Eastern! Now don't start looking at me like some kind of terrorist. I only kill people who annoy me. Lol jk. I jest. The only time I kill people is in COD, and that's become a rare occurence. Me so nubby now hehehe.

Training was intense. It was like, fitness till you die. Kind of wish you were here. Just so I could watch you suffer with all of us. It would've been quite a funny experience...Jokes, we were all dead by the end of it. Headaches, loss of breath, loss of vision. You know, the kind of stuff that happens when your body is starved of oxygen, detrimentally effecting the capacity of that oxyhaemoglobin in your body. Veins, constricting. You get the idea.

Update: November. Four of us going. Three 2nd Dan attempts, one 1st. So don't have a panic attack thinking you won't be here to see it. Just calm down. ;)

It's just no fun partying with "all them girls". Maybe cos none of them ain't you.

Dying of lactic acid buildup,

The Sleepless Dreamer

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