Saturday, August 13, 2011

Sleepless Chronicles: Early Bird (The Catchup) - Day 5

Whoaaa...Hazy. Bzzz Bzzz. Huh? What was that? Bzz Bzz. Oww, my head. Huh? Facebook notification? What's the time? 6:40?! QUICK! Only one person would be up at that time. Because it isn't that time. To them. (Confusing, isn't it?). Okayyyy. You woke me up to say she's hot? Dayum hahaha. You are SO mean. Sososo mean. But I do miss you. Just a little. Little bit more than that. Okay, maybe a lot. Anyway...hehehehe.

Man, last night was fun. Always is when the boys get together. Happy Birthday Eggz! Hope you enjoy the prezzie. And that hot pot was something different for me. Gwailo never had that before. Gwailo still can't even use the chopstickies. It's someone a fork to eat soup man. I the white ghost. No chopstick for me. But seriously,  that food was good. "The asian version of a barbeque". All this stuff that I didn't know what I was eating. But food is food. And good food is very good. Thanks for having us over.

Supposed to go to work today. Supposed to. Got up at 8. Almost ready. Then dad leaves. Without me. Didn't even ask if I was coming to work today. I suppose I should maybe have mentioned it to him beforehand. Maybe. Slight error in judgement on my part. Small one :P But I'm running out of money! I need to work! Curse this insanity of a uni schedule. Too many hours, not enough days in a week for me. Crud. Oh well. Day at home to study it is.

But wow. Learning and Motivation lectures are, ironically, not that motivating. It took me three hours to go over one of them. Like wow. And Molecular Biology and Genetics is almost the same. Holy crap. The trials of the average modern day scientist are killers. Too bad I'm not your average, modern day scientist then. I'm special. the special kind of special. Yeah. The good kind.

And then, and then...Skypeeeeeee. Oh how I loved that. Kinda like when you've been homesick. And then you come home. And everything is good. In fact, everything is great. And when you're done, you somehow feel that much more special. That's what it was like today. If only internet wasn't such an issue. I mean, jeez, how hard is it to find a good spot in a country? Like, is it really that hard? :P

And "catch me up" they say. Catch you up? Kinda hard. Been trying to do that all week. Let's go through a quick recap of the things I haven't quite said yet.
     ~ TKD: Busted ear on a kid, grading was yesterday, I think only a few went (if any). Apparently
         I'm going to the next one (or sometime soon) to get the first of three black belt stages underway)
        and pretty much everyone above me and on my level (hehehe I got to legitly say "on my level")
     ~ Uni life: I made some new friends! BAHAHAHA! I'm good like that. I like new friends. Friends
        are fun!
     ~ Life in general: same ol' same ol'. Nothing ventured nothing gained. =]

And just so you know, I'm aiming to get these posts out by between 9:30 - 10:00 P.M. over here so you can have a leisurely read after your luncheon break (I assume you to be feasting on all things created by the Spaniards, for the Spaniards, you almost Spaniard!). That's 1:30 - 2:00 P.M. just FYI. Cos, I know I'm the one who has to do the maths around here =P

And today's spot goes to one of my all time favourite artists R. City (formerly Rock City). It speaks for itself. Especially the hook.


 Dreaming sleeplessly,

The Sleepless Dreamer

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