Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Sleepless Chronicles: Halfway Home (I'm Not Dead!) - Day 8

Whoa. So totally forgot about this. Almost went to sleep without posting! I can't do that! Someone will punch me. In the face! I'm much too pretty to let that happen. Phew, lucky I got here just on time then, aye?

LOLJK, me not pretty. Just hot. Teeheehee. But in all seriousness, this did slip my mind. Even though the reason I'm doing this was on my mind all day. And in my train ride. Weird, right? In a long metal tube with my cousin and all of a sudden, BRAIN OVERLOAD! Thought processes everywhere. Oopsie.

It's good news week. Apparently. According to Jyamaigo over there. I still don't know what he's on about. He can go sit in his little corner with his first aid kit and go...fix himself? Haha I dunno man. How come YOUR uni friends get to see you and I don't? That's just wrong (and yes, I can be a BN about it too :P)

And it is the halfway point. The official start, but my official middle. Speaking in tongues. At least some people are. I'm still speaking in English. I hope. Maybe I'll start thinking in Arabic. That'll be fun. Made it halfway, can't be too hard to reach the end.

This damn Molecular Biology assignment is gonna be the end of me. Due on Thursday. Only halfway done. Gonna power through it in the spirit of last minuteness. A spirit certain individuals I know breathe for ;)

No basketball or First Aid for me. Just a sore neck and Crysis 2. Perhaps I shouldn't be downloading that as I attempt my assignment. Priorities and all. But stuff it. Me and my packet of Arnott's Kingstons will have much fun in defiance. Oh wait...I finished the packet about an hour and a half ago! :(

I finished school but I'm still learning. All for you :)

Dancing the night away,

The Sleepless Dreamer

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