Sunday, June 3, 2012

Wondering Hollow.

That almost sounds like a Bleach character,
for any of you that read bleach.

But, i guess the 'wondering' can actually be...
used interchangably with 'wandering'
Because that's what I've been.
and wandering.

Things are grim,
Whenever there's a little hope,
or what I think is hope,
it's just...
wiped away.
It's like completing an assignment.
But everytime you finish it,
and everytime, as it gets better.
The result is that it is just thrown away.

I'm genuinely wondering.
Are you well?
What've you been up to?
Are you cold?
Are you feeling alrite?
Do you need someone to talk to?
Did you eat well?
Did you sleep well?

Do you,
ever think of me?

I have a feeling I know the answer.
Cold winds blow,
and everyday it's the same.

I smile,
I laugh,
I work,
I play,
But inside.
It's always that feeling.
Nothing's there.
It's hollow.

And now, even my laugh and care,
has become something that is questionable.
Not really.
If anyone has ever tried it,
or experienced it,
you'd know that it's not even CLOSE to being funny.

Imma skip off this topic now.
Try make something out of my blog post.
I know people like doom and gloom.
And don't worry,
The world has plenty of that.

NBA looking to be interesting.
The Heats up 2-1 in the series.
OKC and the Spurs are tied at 2-2.
At the rate the Spurs were going,
I really did think they were going to sweep OKC as well.
The matches are here and there,
can't wait for game 4 tomorrow of the Heat vs. Celtics
But I need to study.
NBA vs. Study.
I think the series would end sorta like...
and NBA doesn't sweep study, simply because...
I actually need to study LOL.

Back to the music talk!
S-Club 7 were at UNSW just yesterday,
heard them rehearse 'Don't Stop Moving'
mannn, that was some nostalgic stuff right there.
News that Pitbull's gonna be having a concert here soon.
Imma keep an eye out on what's goin on and I'll keep y'all posted.

New Music:
Rock The Boat - Bob Sinclair ft. Pitbull
If Looks Could Kill - Timomatic
Dance Again Till the World Ends - Britney Spears ft. Jennifer Lopez & Pitbull
Back In Time - Pitbull
So Good - B.o.B.
Burnin' Up - Ne-Yo

Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

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