Thursday, June 21, 2012

Winter Storm.

5 Minutes of sitting near the entrance to the gym where I'm interning at and bam.
Numb fingers, numb face.
Logged onto facebook.
Facebook @ work. First time LOL.
It did get quite boring.
But first client!
Got to talk like a trainer, act like a trainer,
explain and demonstrate like a trainer.
I got to BE a trainer.
The client was keen too.

Signing off deliveries for the gym like a bawse.
But freezing all the while.
It did drag on.
Lucky I had to study a bit.
Longest time listening to techno/trance music EVER.
But all is well.
Tomolo morning. Another shift.

The exam? Well.
To be honest, when I got through the whole test.
I was feeling super confident.
But after double-checking,
double-checking again,
and then thinking to myself of what could go wrong.
I left the exam marquee feeling like I failed.

No moar to think about though.
Well, not about that, for a while anyway.
Tomolo's going to be a long day.

Might post up again, late tonight.
Gonna get some study done now.
Feeling cold. And terribly ...
left alone.

Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

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