Saturday, June 9, 2012

The Noise is Back.

Wakin' up in the mornin, It's only half an hour before work starts.
My brain is in overdrive. My body? Well, let's just say I didn't even have enough coordination to kick the sheets off of me. Threw on my clothes, forgot my contacts and juggled my bag and oatmeal bowl onto the car, still tying my shoelaces. It was like this every Saturday.
The night before I always tell myself to sleep early.
Never works.
Work went by surprisingly smoothly though.
Greeted moar people than I thought I knew at this workplace.
Even talked to a person for longer than I thought I would. Two people actually.
Lunch flew by. Hours flew by.
And I was home. I craved a good meal.
Even if it was just plain rice and chicken.
I was pushed forcefully into my room by my conscience.
It was almost like I could detect when arguments started.
Not cool. Safe. But not cool.
It was 6.30pm.
Empty in all senses of the word. I sat on my bed.
Stared hollowly into the TV.
Pirates was on. They didn't make nearly as much noise as what I could still hear outside.
Dinner wasn't going to come soon.
My sister appears, and asks me,
You here because it's warm? Looking at the heater.
I nod, but I've taught her well,
So she thought of an alternate reason.
You're here because you don't want to hear them argue, aren't you?
I didn't move at first, no response.
Then I looked at her and smiled.
I like hitting two birds with one stone.
So she sat to face the TV and left me to my thoughts.
The only things that made me smile were the texts.
That name flashing on my screen. Again and again.
The messages were there. I was happy replying.
Worried replying. The mixed emotions I felt when I was replying.
Then it was 8.46pm. Outside was silenced.
We're going out for dinner.
Where do you want to go?
No one ever knows where to go.
I don't even want to talk about dinner.
It was shit.
I didn't eat.
Still haven't eaten.
From 6.30pm-12.00am. I had 5 and a half hours to study.
I got back 20 minutes ago.
From now, I only have 1 and a half hours to study, and eat whatever I can find or make.
I'm down with the biggest migraine.
My house is completely frozen. Even the air.
It's hard to breathe.

Remember when I spoke of a balance?
When something good happens,
there's always something bad that happens?
And vice versa?

The only times I had a completely good day, week, month, months
was... nevermind that.
I can't even think anymoar.
I hope I'm the balance for another person, or people.
So I'm actually taking all this, so someone else, or other people, can have a good time.

Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

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