Wednesday, June 27, 2012

No voices.

Apparently a wrong turn.
Now that doesn't hurt at all, does it?
I spoke, I thought.
But with no reply or any word.
What's there for one to think?
I remember once, or a lot of times maybe.
I heard this about english essays.
'Show, don't tell.'
I've waited for both the show,
and the tell.
Neither seem to care,
and yet somehow it's meant something...
completely different. It didn't add up.
I was never good at conveying my expressions.
Not even my written expression was up to scratch.
Which I'm sure you can all see from my blog.

But one thing everyone can tell the difference between,
is whether something is meant in a nice way,
or if it was meant in a ... moar neutral to not-so-nice way.

I was feeling good today,
so I wanted to talk.
I have much to say about how I'm going.
But then two things hit me.
1. No one cares
2. Secret successes are often moar surprising,
and yield a moar positive response.

It's like going back to square one.
Back to my idea of how it doesn't matter how much you say.
It all comes down to whether you've done it or not.
People don't care about the journey, apparently.
I certainly hope they DO care about the journey.
Otherwise the journals and codices of history and success stories would be..
much, much shorter.

Still have NO idea what I should do.

Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

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