Wednesday, June 20, 2012


It's funny how some things work.
Anyway. At least I won't be able to do anything wrong if I'm blocked right?

The Miami Heats are up 3-1, leading the series.
For once in a very long time, I got pretty excited.
D-Wade being my favourite player.
But I had to study. LOL
So moar study I did. The whole day.
I thought being cut off was going to make my studying easier.
I thought wrong.

Flicking between two subjects.
Gotta finish these last two exams.
I really want it all to be over.
It's getting colder again.
Intern tomolo morning. 8-12.
Exam 1.45 - 4. In a bloody tent. At a racecourse.
Day after?
Intern 9-11.
Exam 1.45 - 4. In a bloody tent. At a racecourse. Again.
Then work. 5-8:30pm.
Saturday work.
Gosh. What's happening LOL.

Minimal things to look forward to,
I guess it's kind of like running.
Everyone finds it easy to stop.
But for those who know,
starting after you stop, gets harder,
each. and. every. time. you. stop.
So it's better not to stop.
Stop when you can afford to.
Not because other people are stopping too.
That's funny business.

Moar to do.
Even moar to think about.
I'm so bad I need to be blocked.

Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

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