Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Walking down a familiar path,
it's all darkness.
The thrashing winds,
the piercing chill and just freezes you to the bone.
Head bowed.
Rain pours down,
splashing of the car tires on the left side,
the pitter patter of the rain on the roofs on the right side.
Crunching gravel, making it sound like a trek up a mountain.
It's cold. To be honest, it's probably fair to say it was freezing.
Traffic lights flashing, trees' whispers become howls,
the blown leaves whirl like hurricanes.
This all being said.
The walking pace didn't increase,
the mind was emptied,
and there was nothing but a lingering feeling.
A search.
People always talk of the eye of the storm.
That's all that was being looked for.
It wasn't to be found.
There was to be no peace.

And this was only a quarter of the way.
I pulled my jumper closer together.
I really need to get a new one,
one that actually has a zipper that works.
A hoodie that's not so huge that it collects the wind,
instead of keeping my head warm.
Hands frozen to the point of being numb.
Legs completely senseless.
I continued walking.
These things I feel. But -
They're also the things I don't feel.

The umbrella was blown away,
the light backpack in my hand was taken along with it.
The wind tore at me.
How can a place so familiar, become so hostile?
I bowed my head even further at first.
But the wind pulled the hoodie straight off my head.
So I faced it.
It felt like an unstoppable gale, coupled with the strongest vacuum.
Everything was starting to give in.
The cars were lifted like there was no gravity left.
Trees were being uprooted.
The traffic lights shone no longer.
A blinding white light absorbed it all,
and flicked off as suddenly as it had appeared.

I opened my eyes.
I sniffled.
I'm getting sick, it'll go away though,
I haven't been sick for as long as I can remember...
I looked out the window.
What if you do get sick, hmm?
What do you mean? haha
No. Seriously. What would you do?
I think I'll just cave in if I get sick.
If I become completely sick,
If I get a full-blown illness...
I'm gonna just cave into it.

There's really no point anymoar.
No point. At all.

Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

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