Monday, June 18, 2012


You don't get it.
'Since that's what you want to do'
I had a weird thought about a certain number.
I thought about it...
Are there that many muscles on the body?
Are there that many bones in the body?
Are there that many nerves in the body?
Are there that many arteries and veins in the body?
I don't know. You tell me.

I read something today online.
It said:

Saying someone can't be sad,
because someone has it worse off
is the same as saying:
You can't be happy,
because someone else is happier.

Make sense?
SO next time you start comparing with how your situation is
compared to someone else's.
Remember that.
Then tell yourself how intelligent you are for comparing.

My brothers and sisters out there.
I'm going to say it here because I can't say it anywhere else.
I think I'm going to fail the exams coming up.
I've been trying my face off to study.
I can't though. There's just too much shit going on in my head.
There's no help.
And when I suddenly think there is?
It's not help. Nothing helps.
Nothing's helping.

Mr. Jyamaigo.

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