Monday, June 11, 2012

Last Minute Semi-planning.

It's what it's like.
Last minute everything.
'But that's what we're good at right?'
It's been long time since I've seen a smile.
This one was warm and comforting though.
I worked today. So much for a public holiday.
'You didn't do jack shit, and you earned quite a bit.'
'Yeah, was alrite.'
'You have to be smart about things.'
I've just realised how much time I spend ...  uselessly thinking and waiting

Exams in the way still.
Three in a row, then a couple days before the next barrage
comes and hits me in the face.
I don't even know what to study.
I don't even know what to say lol.
Patience. You have to study smart. Not hard.
You train hard. You must be darn legendary,
to combine the two ALL the time.
Maybe I'll do that someday. But not now.
I can't afford to do that.
There's just not enough time.
But there is enough to be smart about it.
Must be the bad reception. Some of y'all try sending some texts please.
Tell me how they go.

Imma go back to my studying.
I can't guarantee tip top marks.
But I can guarantee that they won't be bad.
Wish me luck. If y'all there.
If not, fear not.
I'll assume.

The days are cold, rain's not gonna be leaving for a while.
Even if it goes. It's always raining in my mind.

Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

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