Thursday, May 31, 2012


The art of convincing people you care.
But not actually caring.
Actions and words.
Actions and words.
C'mon people.
It's not hard.

That's the only word I could get.
After reading quite a nice recount too.
Surprising. How people only see things
the way THEY want to see it.

They don't analyse.
The take a side,
and back up their points with,
whatever they can find that suits them.
It's really funny.
Because when someone asks me.
And I analyse.
I do it properly.
The bias may still be there.
But it's minimal.
Because I have the capacity to do so.
I don't think with me emotions.

Second chance?
If you plan to give one.
Give one properly.
Giving someone a second chance
whenever you know they'll fail,
is not called a second chance.

It's called stupidity.
'Don't get me wrong'
I'm not the type to give second chances.
But at least I have the decency
to give them properly when I do.

What kills me?
Knowing she just doesn't care,
at all.

Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo.

PS. See what I did today?
That was called: being nice and thoughtful.
The response? Well, I'll let you think about that.
Again you've managed to take what I've done,
and cast it all aside. Thanks :)

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