Saturday, June 16, 2012

Real Life.

Just found this floating around on Facebook,
Y'all need to check it out. Seems like it'll be quite the game.
In real life!

So go check it out, I'm waitin' to see what people think.
Anyway, 3 exams down (that puts me at halfway)
First intern session down, gonna teach a corporate class with one of the instructors
Worked Friday, took today off, illness is telling me: study > work.
Feeling pretty ill, except this isn't like how the music says it.
I am feeling pre-tty darn out of it at the moment.
Gonna make my way through this,
one step at a time.

Back to the old ways.
The Endless bottle.
Where you fill it up as much as you can,
it will never get full, and you'll have no one to share it with.
Each to their own,
Everything to myself.

Feelin' the pressure a little.

Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

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