Saturday, June 23, 2012


Not nearly.
Now that it's all over.
The brain flicks straight to thinking bout the results.
Ain't no fun in that right?
But I'm pretty unsettled about it.
And when I'm distracted,
it isn't much help either.
Because distractions just make me realise what time I'm wastin'.

Cold from the night before till the morning after.
Missed out on the fun yesterday
All the uni mates went out to have a blast,
I went to work.
G to the G, I say.
Hopefully this holidays isn't just filled with work and nothingness again.
Now's the time for fun.
That's what everyone says.
Older people, younger people.
They all say that this is the time to have fun.

Well guys.
I'm not havin' any fun.

But the exams are over.
That's the only thing I can keep saying to myself to make it slightly better.
Still gots no one to talk to~

What was exciting about my day?
I had a kebab.
And some chips.

Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

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