Friday, May 25, 2012


One Thing.
If you hurt as well,
You wouldn't be treating me like this.
Moar importantly.
You wouldn't be treat yourself like this
by purposely treating me the way you do.

And yes. That DOES make sense.
It's gotten to the stage now where...
It's blatantly obvious.

Let's talk about a surprise.
When you go to a birthday party.
That is one that you do not know about.
One that you did not expect.
And the people there surprise you.
First thing after you're surprised,
what do you do?
You're shocked.
For a short period of time.
Then you smile, or laugh,
or cry.
Because you're glad and happy.

I was informed by actions recently...
[Because actions speak louder than words]
That you first act surprised.
Then you proceed to continue acting surprised.
Stand dumbfoundedly.
And then promptly resume life
Like nothing ever happened.

To be honest.
At VERY first.
I thought words counted.
Then I thought.
Actions were louder than words.
And indeed they are.
The pairing of actions AND words.
Is essential.
Because when you mouth the words of actions.
And act on a different set of words.
You're lying.
It doesn't matter to who.
Because you're lying to yourself.


It's been a long time since I've been talked to.
A long time since I've been texted even.
A long time since I was interesing.

So before you assume you know it all.
And maybe.
Just maybe.
Someone has already done and been through,
What you thought you just found out.

THEN tell me it's hard.
THEN you can tell me you know how it feels.

Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

PS. What would make you happy right now?
My real answer: You know exactly what would.

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