Thursday, May 3, 2012


Where you use to know.
Always knew.
Now you know not.
Now you pretend...
To know not.
And now,
You've done it so much...
You're not sure...
If you actually know...
At all.

Woke with blood in the mouth.
Staring at bloody bruise marks,
on my shoulders.
Woke yesterday with a long cut,
down the side of my calf muscle.
Wake everyday...
Wishing for a better day.
A day where I can...
See that person again.
See that person...
Standing there looking...
at me.
Sitting there...
Sipping coffee with me.

I have no reason.
To do anything.
I have nothing.
To look forward to.

And still...
That person still doesn't...

Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

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