Monday, May 14, 2012

It's begun.

The transition into a moar strict routine.
It helps, and it's usually for the better, but following the schedule... Just leaves there moar noticeable times where I stop and think. The weather's definitely not helping, it feels the hell like a B-Grade movie, how the weather is somehow mystically controlled by a character's emotions and feelings. But 'meh'.

Smashing some weights out at the gym, I have to say, usually I'd be impressed at the improvements I've made. But now? There's not even a reaction. It's just my mind telling me that it's nothing, and to just keep going. There's nothing to show for it, there's no incentive. It's all just for the bland and obvious aim. To get to the finish. And I don't even know what's there. Some say the Destination IS the Journey. But now that the journey's turned into something worthless and completely unacknowledgeable. The only thing that keeps the show up is the fact that the actor in me still finds it worthwhile. The actor will act, and the truth will be kept. After all. Who wants to listen to the truth right? Everyone wants to listen to what's entertaining and always interesting. That's why there are crazes that people go through, and it won't always be just the same thing that will be catching everyone's attention ALL the time.

I'd like to have my head above the clouds. To maybe imagine that somehow, I could be something else for a while. I know, I know. Just be yourself. But still. Sometimes it seems that being myself isn't really the answer. I'm sure you've all felt this before. You don't even want to be anything. What if you're just...nothing for a while?

Well. That's how I've been... acting like a nothing pretty much LOL.
Caring doesn't work.
It'll make you annoying.
Lesson learned.

Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

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