Sunday, May 13, 2012


A message.
At the right time.
At that exact moment.
Can be as quick,
as the flick of a switch.
To anything.
Any feeling.
And to anyone.

It's been cold.
How y'all been doin'?
I realised I've been...
Talking to myself...

Every once in a while.
It's good to get a grip,
on reality.
Just to see what's goin' on.

What did I get a grip on?
B.o.B.'s new album.
Strange Clouds.
It's quite good,
The music's a little different.
Songs are good.
Give it a listen.

Other than that,
reality's been freezing cold.
Pun - indeed- intended.

Well, so much to do.
I really don't know,
what to do...
how to act...

Well, push everything else aside.
It's a special day tomorrow...
So make it special.
There should be moar than just one,
of these days to celebrate,
what our mothers have done for us.
So since there's only one.
Make it a memorable one.
And reward her,
and let her know,
how special and important she is.
Mother's Day.
Make it special~

Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

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