Thursday, May 10, 2012


Black. White.
Light. Dark.
Warm. Cold.

We all had that before right?
I mean. The type of feeling...
Where you're physically...
warmed up and feeling comfortable.
In bed after a long day of work?
Shower on a cold day perhaps?
How the realisation of such,
triggers that soft and gently
A smile perhaps.
Followed by the continued
enjoyment of the feeling.
For as long as it lasts.

There's also another way,
this type of feeling could play out.
When you're warm,
feeling cosy.
You realise the feeling,
or at least the familiarity.
Then it's like your insides,
just froze.
A smile tries to creep on,
as that's the natural reaction.
But you can't.
You feel nothing.
You feel like nothing.
Trying to think of happy things...
only makes it worse.

What's worse?
It's not that no one cares.
Because you know they don't.
It's the fact that...
The person who you want, to care.
Doesn't care.
Doesn't know.
Doesn't want to know.

These can stem from
any feeling.
It's just a lot easier,
when it stems from a positive thing.

And right now?
I don't even know,
where I can get ANY of that.

Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

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