Tuesday, April 5, 2011

wow, dyu see that time fly?

no. not really. coz who does really? but wow, its gone fast, just yesterday marked 6. can y'all believe it? well, what can i say? nice day. we gots'd the nice cake and we talksd the nice talks :D now i sound like a lil kid hahahahaha, no seriously tho it all lay in the words. Speech. In what's said. so twas a lil different. special. my special grrl, thank you so very much for the day, for everyday, for every second. Every thought. Your [s/n]boy appreciates everything. Appreciates YOU. :) NOW, onto some business. Mayne TSD? you better keep yo bn phone to yoself boi, coulda seen ya at uni, i had a lil time. But that was not to be. Ah well, we'll have time aiite? Coz we better. Or this nb's gon have arms twice the size of that kebab mayne by the next time you see me. Having a computer for just under half an hour makes me feel like i'm 9 years old again. SiiGH, someone save me. Can't feel a single muscle in my body workin' for me. I'm just sittin' here all blank, thinkin' a lil, eyes darting around coz my eyes seem to be awake. Searching. Waiting. For the next time i get to see my peoples again, TALK to em. Lookin' forward to that. Gonna march forward. Time flies right? Well, won't be long before i'm controllin' it. Don't believe me? Just watch. *A text later* --- well well well, lucky me :P and the hell we can ;) Take it easy :) Mr. Jyamaigo P.S. Thank you, Ice Cream Song :)

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