Monday, April 4, 2011


Yeah mayne...they did change the labels. Know how I know? Cos it was me suckermayne! (8) Everyday I'm hustlin', everyday I'm hustlin', everyday I'm hustlin' hustlin' hustl, hustl, hustlin'! BAHAHA IT's THE KING, BIATCH!

Fighting finally back at 95% capacity. Fracture in the foot is not so much a fracture in the foot. Just a semi pain of when I hit a target at about 40km/h (I'm guessing). Sounds weak. Gotta step up my game. Hard. Gonna be knocking down the door at 75km/h minimum. And then I'll break anyone's neck.

Complex beast is apparently what I am. Beast, I'm not so sure. I prefer tank, musclebound meathead, The Monster In The Mirro, KING or something along those lines...nah mean? Hahaha. Jokes. I'm a runt. I just look decent cos of the male version of the cheerleader effect. Hang with big boiz anfd you look big. Ain't that right Jyamaigo? OH. AND THE GUY WHO SERVES YOU AT THE KEBAB PLACE AT UNI...Mr.J his triceps are bigger THAN YOUR WHOLE DAMN ARM. AND SO ARE HIS BICEPS. You so wanna be that guy (I got the voice perfect and everything when I said it today. Just ask KB.

Man. Wanna be the guy at your side. But life is holding me back. Dragging me down. [You know who you are].

Tick tick, time bomb,

The Sleepless Dreamer

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