Wednesday, April 13, 2011


As to why i'm still up. Don't ask me. Memorisin' details. Movin' files. Waitin' for a damned email. Exam tomolo. 20 questions, 10%. Most are like meh. wtf. but for me, contrary to popular belief, it's kinda like. hmmm, maybe i should make every percent count. But then...i get lazy. no no no. this mayne didn't give up. Just got this overwhelming feelin' of laziness after the night feed. Just went into literally...head buried in my book, sorta laziness. But got goin' after a fifteen or so minutes. ISH happens sometimes aye? but enywey. Hopin' to crash and into sleep, fall. straight away, 4 lectures, break, EXAM, gym, home, study [again?! arrghhhhh dammit, i want some shish taouk]. My plan for tomolo. can't wait till friday arvo, the time after that last exam's over, and i know a breaks headed my way. dayummm that'll be fineeee, damn right im about to lose my mind. Tha-that, that, that that don't kill me, can only make me stronger. hahahahaah, meds. just gotta take em. SiiiGH. Take it easy, Mr. Jyamaigo

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