Sunday, April 10, 2011


WELL, this BN got a lot to do this week, and i swear to y'all, it ain't gon be fun. Whole week. my head's gon be buried in the books. i'm not even gonna know how to talk to y'all by the end of it. Uni was supposed to be fun. alrite alrite. it is, just probably not all the time. hahahaha. i tricked myself there. ah well. sometimes false hopes better than no hope at all. Breezy tour comin' up. wanna go to that, sounds good, my mayne TSD be waitin', imma try get it set ASAP. as for the end of this week. when all hell's been dealt with by my hands, im gon needa feed. and where else to go? apparently this TSD mayne knows his places. Study is to draining as gym is to tiring. [oh, and soreness.] SiiGH. talkin' some real ISH here. can't even walk properly, i look like a spedhead hahahahaha Enywey. Good luck to y'all who have an exam filled week aye? see y'all on the other side. Strugglin' to wake. Meds stopped. Holdin' up. Wish me luck. Take it easy, Mr. Jyamaigo

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