Saturday, April 16, 2011

New Post.

Hey y'all. How's life been treatin' y'all huh? Yesterday was nice. Thanks baby grrl ;) Today was fitness expo. Pre-tty trashy weather. It was pretty disgusting. Dunno. Just felt unclean. walkin' to the exhibition/convention centre at Darling Harbour from Town Hall woolies (approx.) wasn't real nice. Got there. Had to buy tickets, the line for tickets was massive. Went in, walked around, grabbed very few things, bags brochures. Talked business. Talked learnin'. Met some of my gym instructors. Saw real massive guys, real toned up grrls and a hell of a lot of supplement taste-testin'. Contacts acquired, information received. Now just the decisions remain. Saw our way out, after 2, nearly 3 hours. Oportos lunch. Walked back in the rain again. STILL wasn't nice. Seeing so many people all buff, toned, fit and whatnot had me pumped, i wanted to head to the gym. And so i went. Adrenaline rush lasted the session. Then went on home just all tired and sore. Arrived home to good news, last two parts of my computer were restocked. Im gonna have all my computer parts ready tomolo. Hopefully built within the next two days. Clean up. Time rested. Exams are over for me, kinda feelin' strange tho. I dunno. Some things just escape me. And there are things which i'm never gon find the answer to. Guess I'll just have to keep them to a minimum aye? Good Luck to my people who still got exams. Y'all got this. It's starting to rain again. Everything's gone now. Even the sun. Hmmmm. Take it easy, Mr. Jyamaigo

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