Thursday, April 7, 2011

Not anymoar.

Well, i'll be honest. I had a better than average day today, uni was pre-tty funny n shit when errybody was havin' a good laugh over a common video we all had. That took over the dreaded stress of up-coming exams quite a bit. Overpowered it. Like Arnie. Yeah, that guy with the huge guns. and huge....well....a lotta things. Enywey. I dont know how, but it seems as tho my good days always had something that made it a lil bad, or not-so-good. Don't ask me why, I've onli had very few days where i could safely say, i had a good day, the whole day. Every other good days seems to be like, i had a good day BUT some random shit happened and i dunno, just felt bad for a lil bit/the rest of the day. Today was sorta that typa day. Nice day, till i hit a certain time at night, which happened just a lil while ago actually, and it felt like i could drive my fists into a wall, and flip a whole house upside down and destroy it. But that thought vanished as fast as it got switched on. Lucky. Got caught up and forgot what i was gonna continue on sayin' Take it easy, Mr. Jyamaigo

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