Sunday, April 17, 2011


Mass Clean up. Woke this morning to NBA league pass broadband. Yeah. I got it somehow. Lazy morning. Trip to the city. Grab the long-awaited parts of my unfinished computer. Walking was really like dragging my feet. Bring it back home. Built the computer, with some assistance of course. Installation and preparation for use of the computer needs to wait. It STILL needs to WAIT. I'm a patient person. And i know that. Y'all know that. But i'm also an impatient NB. Well. At the end of the day, there ain't nothin' i can do. Yeah. I ain't got enough power. No no. I know what y'all thinking. I certainly don't have world domination on my mind. Power means a lotta different things. To me it's a lil different. Just that lil amount of activity, and the days landed me here, at this time. Typin' up this post. Back sore. Epicly full. Mind racing. Some things i didn't believe would happen. And now that i'm bout to set those very things into motion. I'm a lil excited, hint of fear of course. It's only normal for people to fear what they don't know. The reason i don't know why i'm scared, is that i KNOW where i'm headed can't be bad. Slkrmt uli gsv yvhg, kivkzirmt uli gsv dlihg. Xla, gsv nliv blf hdvzg rm kvzxv, gsv ouhh blf youuw rm dzi. R'w kivuvi mlg yovvwrmt zg zoo. Gsrmp zylfg rg. Take it easy, Mr. Jyamaigo P.S. Bad News or Good News. Yo mayne TSD is a rehab. Yeah you heard right. He ain't at rehab. He IS a rehab. But when he gets back, that BN gon have something real good for y'all to see. It's gon be a lil somethin' special. So stay tuned for that.

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