Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Hey yow. What's happenin' aye? well, with me its like a lil half way mark thang. two mid sems [one exam, one assignment; 19, 15 respectively] down and two moar to go. Not sayin' what i wanna say, seems as tho i remember myself tellin' the right thang, and then finding out i actually said what i thought NOT to say. dayum, probably the exams gettin' to me. Oh and that migraine head pain. Don't even wanna talk bout it. It WAS a dilemma. Now there ain't even any choices. Enywey, free frisbees. Should this mayne check out the careers expo in the coming day? no eyed-deer. Gridion club? sure. Indoor soccer? sure. Now all i need are some people to play bball with. and GYM. THIS MAYNE NEEDA GET BIGGAAA, well, gettin' fits the first goal hahahahah, my mum said to me today, please dont get any bigger, ur arms are WAY too big! i was confused. Huh? i don't even see any change in the size of my arm, maybe compared to a year ago, yes. but recently? uh-uh, i ain't even been goin' gym. Onli just started going back 3 days ago. Weather's turnin' cold. All i could wish for would be a hug from my grrl. and possibly an additional spa. NOW, Cadbury, wouldn't THAT be nice? ;) hahahahahahahaha. Alrite, take those exams & assignments and rip em to shreds boys and grrls. Best of Luck. But remember to... Take it easy, Mr. Jyamaigo

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