Tuesday, November 23, 2010


My title's just get more creative aye? TSD bro, hope to feel ur pain soon, feelin' like ur missin out when i'm out having fun and u busy at work, tho after i read that txt. Well, :P we'll see bout that! hahahaha

Yesterday was first time watching avatar, that was pre-tty GG. But today, first time watching Inception, luckily for this one, they still played it at cinemas, tomolo being their last day/last session of it. I thought it was one hell of a movie, even the food we bought wasn't really touched at all, GG, looks like we had better things to do!...yeah, like watch the movie? hahaha

Oh, and, first time havin' a lil taste of what K was all bout, or Karaoke, if K didn't ring a bell, one thing i realised and wondered...when did all the singers have such high voices? or maybe...why the hell is my voice so low? and fiddling round with the remote was pretty funny, we were such nuuubs [right? mhmm, i'm talking to u~!! you know who you are~]. But funny, hahahaha, i like~!

Well, tomolo's another day thats said to be nice n sunny weather. My sensei has organized a lil something for us japanese students at his place, which'll be a...fun and enjoyable dinner/night i hope. If he got dranks - even better hahaha, now that's wat i'm talking bout. All part of the Japanese theme of course ;)

Anyway. Today was a nice day, with nice weather and all. I enjoyed it~! Finished up with some stuff, hope ya'll enjoyin that mixtape down there that me and my main man TSD put together [mainly TSD, props to him, he gets his stuff done without fail, he's the man! :P]

Aights, early wake tomolo to get some exercise in.
Take it easy,
Mr. Jyamaigo

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